Hair Transplant FAQ: Reality Check

Do hair transplants really work?,Yes. Because the procedure uses your own hair, the body does not reject it as a foreign body. The transplanted hair maintains its own color, texture, and curl. With current expertise and technology such as micro-grafts and follicular unit transplantation, grafts are spaced closer together, allowing for results that mimic your own hair growth patterns and look completely natural and undetectable.,Is an undetectable transplant really possible?,Yes. Since the old days of ‘corn-rows,’ or hair plugs, when it was obvious that you had a transplant, new technology, microsurgical advances, improved instrumentation, and state-of-the art techniques known as follicular unit transplant (FUT), make it possible to have a soft and natural head of hair that grows, blows in the wind and requires styling.,Harvesting and isolating small groups of donor hairs they way they naturally grow in your scalp, i.e., micrografts (1 hair grafts) and follicular unit grafts (1-4 hair grafts) from the patient’s own head, allows more transplanted growing hairs in one procedure than any other method to-date.,How long does the procedure take and will I have to miss work?,Depending on the type of procedure you have done and the type of work you do, it is often possible to go back to work the next day. Physicians typically recommend taking it easy for at least one day and refraining from exercise or heavy lifting until approximately 8-10 days after surgery when the stitches are removed.,Should I use the same doctor as my buddy?,Did your buddy get a good result? Is he satisfied with the procedure? Would he use the same surgeon again and refer you to him? Obviously, personal referrals are a good way to find a doctor.,If your buddy had a less than satisfactory result or a negative experience, by all means, continue your research and find someone who can deliver the results you desire.,Should I use Propecia after a hair transplant?,Yes. Most physicians will prescribe this medication after (or before) the transplant, to prevent further hair loss. Think of it as a dual-pronged approach to hair loss remediation. A transplant can restore hair to areas that medication doesn’t affect, and the medication can prevent or retard further hair loss in areas not covered by the transplant.,How do I take care of my new hair?,You may gently wash your hair with a mild shampoo after a 24-hour waiting period if you must, although many physicians recommend waiting 3 days before shampooing. Immediately after surgery, small scabs will form at the graft sites which will disappear between 4-7 days post-op. Be careful not to pick or disturb these scabs. You may resume your normal shampooing habits after one week.